SIDBI and ISTRI project

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SIDBI and Udhyam Vyapaar

SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) and Udhyam Vyapaar have forged a strategic partnership to revolutionise the ironing industry and promote sustainable practices.

This collaborative initiative aims to empower the istriwala community by facilitating their transition from coal based ironing boxes to more efficient and eco-friendly LPG-powered alternatives.

SIDBI and ISTRI project

Key Objectives of Partnership

SIDBI and ISTRI project

Awareness and Education

Create widespread awareness among the ironing community, retailers, distributors, and other key ecosystem stakeholders, educating them on the advantages and benefits of switching to LPG iron boxes from coal-based models.
SIDBI and ISTRI project

Facilitating Transition

Enable 200 ironing vyapaaris from Karnataka, with 150 in Bengaluru and 50 in the rest of the state, to upgrade to LPG iron boxes, reducing their reliance on coal.

Benefits of switching
to LPG Iron Boxes

The switch to LPG iron boxes promises numerous benefits for the ironing community

Improved Productivity

Reduce heating time from two hours to just three minutes, enabling vyapaaris to serve more customers and increase their earning potential

Better Health and Safety

Eliminate health hazards from inhaling toxic coal fumes, safeguarding the well-being of Vyapaaris.

Income Increase

Help Istriwalas earn an additional ₹50,000 annually, fostering financial prosperity.
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Environmental Sustainability

Reduce local air pollution and contribute to a greener Bengaluru by eliminating coal consumption.

Key Objectives of Partnership

SIDBI and ISTRI project
  • 23% increase in productivity
  • 28% rise in their monthly net returns

This partnership between SIDBI and Udhyam Vyapaar represents a significant stride towards sustainable development, promoting economic growth, environmental protection, and improved livelihoods for the ironing community.

SIDBI and ISTRI project