

What Impact Can An Entrepreneurial Mindset Have On India’s Youth?

In a world that increasingly acknowledges that inclusive and transformative economies are the only way forward – the youth will play a key role in creating a better, more equitable future.

It is estimated that the youth in India account for 27.2% of the population. No other country, on the frontlines of economic progress, is better advantaged to leverage its youth power into creating a model nation of tomorrow.

Led By The Mind

How do we carve this incredible future? One that takes our country forward and allows young students to be a part of an inspiring growth story – individually and collectively.

Exploring this, Udhyam Foundation’s work in over 10 States in India – that has already reached more than 3 million young students – has led to extensive programmes centred around nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset.

Nurturing this mindset, when young children and adults are still in school, is critical as it is during these growing years that the human brain is most malleable and inculcating the characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset can ensure a lasting impact on the careers and lives of the youth.

Here are just a few of the positive impacts that an entrepreneurial mindset can have on India’s youth:

Knowing + Doing = Success 

For decades, India’s education ecosystem has been geared towards building textbook knowledge. Often, the practical applications of this knowledge take a backseat, leaving little room for curiosity and exploring the new. Working towards building entrepreneurial mindsets in the youth requires creating opportunities for them to try out new things. At school, the youth can participate in extracurricular activities, fashion interesting experiments from their science books, and explore what lessons from history can be applied to modern life.

Similarly, at home or in societal settings, youth are encouraged to engage in community-building initiatives, take the lead in completing small tasks at home, try their hand at new hobbies, and extend help to those who need it. This ability to ‘do’ not only gives wings to their creativity but also firmly entrenches skills in leadership, communication, collaboration, and gets them to think beyond the pages of their textbooks.

Acing Adaptability 

Even in the last few years, the world has seen rapid change. From the COVID-19 crisis to the emergence of AI, participating in the workforce requires resilient individuals who can turn challenges into opportunities and adapt to varied demands. With an entrepreneurial mindset, young adults are equipped to learn even from their failures, possess the self-awareness required to play to their strengths and display grit that ensures that they persevere till they reach their goals.

Taking The Road Less Travelled 

There is an adage that says, “Fortune favours the brave.” In a technologically driven world, innovation is key. With the expansion of markets – from the local to the global, from physical marketplaces to digital platforms – there is also an expansion of opportunity. Equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, youth can leverage their skills to walk down new paths that simply weren’t available before.

Take for example, a weaver family in rural India. Traditionally, these families have sold their goods to middlemen who then reaped the rewards of the weaver’s hard labour by selling their textiles at attractive prices in cities and towns. Can a young weaver, equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, be encouraged to explore social media selling platforms to bring home the earnings that the family rightfully deserves?

Similarly, can young women who have traditionally been confined to certain trades or jobs, chart a different course armed with the confidence, grit and resilience that an entrepreneurial mindset brings them?

Think Tanks 

Doing different demands we think differently. Introducing young minds to different ways of thinking lays the foundation for an expansive, resilient mind that welcomes change and challenge.

Critical thinking, especially, can be viewed as a mental toolbox that allows young people to take a piece of information, a work situation or a life incident and analyse, evaluate and interpret it to discern the truth. Practising critical thinking makes young people better employees as well as better bosses. It helps them make fair-minded decisions in the family setting while also ensuring they choose the right political candidate in the next election. It ensures young minds embrace change while also valuing consistency. And, very importantly, it helps with risk analysis while also encouraging young people to make brave decisions!

Together, For A Better Future

Young entrepreneurial minds know that there is strength in the collective. Rooted in themselves, they recognise the value that others bring to the table – fostering an ecosystem of collaboration that ultimately leads to exciting innovation. Collaboration, often, also bridges gaps, promotes inclusivity and builds economies where no one is left behind!

Let us fast forward to even half a century from now, if the 800-odd million youth of India have each mastered an entrepreneurial mindset- there is no doubt India and her citizenry will be marching towards a formidable future!


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